Associate Professor in Chonbuk National University
Division of Civil/Environmental/Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering
(Major of Environmental Engineering)
College of Engineering, Building No.6, Rm. 321
567 Baekjedaero, deokjingu, Jeonju, Jeonbuk 561-756, Republic of Korea (e-mail)
+82-63-270-2444 (office), +82-63-270-2449 (fax)
Hyun-Woo Kim, Ph.D.
김현우, 金炫佑
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 2006
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea,
Title of Dissertation: “Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic Co-digestion of Sewage Sludge and Food Waste Using Temperature-Phased Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor System”
Master of Science (MS.), 2002
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Title of Dissertation: “Improved Sludge Treatment by TPAD and Co-digestion”
Bachelor of Science(BS.), 2000
Dept. of Civil Engineering (Major) & Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (Minor), KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Employment and Experience
Mar. 2014~ Present Chonbuk National University (CBNU), KOREA, Assistant Professor,
Director of Environmental Biotechnology and Biosystem Laboratory (EB2L)
Dec. 2012~Mar. 2014 Green Technology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), KOREA, Senior Researcher
Nov. 2012~Dec. 2012 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, KOREA
Research Associate Professor (Advisor: Prof. Hang-Sik Shin)
Jul. 2007~Jun. 2012 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA
Research Scientist in Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology, The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University. Director: Prof. Bruce E. Rittmann
Sep. 2006~Sep. 2007 Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, KOREA
Postdoctoral research fellow (Advisor: Prof. Hang-Sik Shin)
Honors and Activities
Best Presentation Paper Award, Korea Society of Waste Management, Nov. 2002
Best Presentation Paper Award, Korea Society of Waste Management, May 2004
Best Presentation Paper Award, Korea Society of Waste Management, Nov. 2006
Korea Research Foundation (KRF), Postdoctoral research fellowship (US$30,000) for foreign country (Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ), Nov 2007.
A member of American Chemical Society (ACS), Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (KSEE).
Environmental Information Provider (IP) of North America, DICER (Digital Information Center for Environment Research), KEITI (Korea Environmental Industy & Technolgoy Institute).
Journal Reviewer Activities: Environmental Science and Technology, Bioresource Technology, Water Research, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Process Biochemistry, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Process Biochemistry, PLOS ONE etc.
Hyun-Woo Kim, Jae-Cheol Lee, Jun Sim, "Apparatus of treating animal waste water using microalgae and method of cultivating the microalgae by the apparatus", Application No. 10-2017-0150267, The Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2017-11-13.
Jae-Kyung Jang, Suk-Won Kang, Je-Hoo, Sung, Yee Paek, Young-Hwa Kim, Tae-young Kim, In-Seop Chang, Bong-Kyu Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, "Livestock wastewater processing system and method", Application No. 10-2017-0149221, The Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2017-11-10.
Bruce E. Rittmann, Hyun Woo Kim, Andrew K. Marcus, “Photobioreactors comprising membrane carbonation modules and uses thereof”, United States Patent Application No. US20120238002, Serial No.:421449, Filed date: 2012-03-15.
Holl, Mark; Houkal, Jeff; Martineau, Rhett; Bessette, Greg; Vannela, Raveender; Zhou, Chao; Kim, Hyun Woo; Sheng, Jie; Sadayandi, Sindhuja; Bank, Daniel; Vela, Juan; Rittmann, Bruce; Westerhoff, Paul; Meldrum, Deirdre “Modular experimental platform for microorganism physiology and scale-up studies”, Application No. PCT/US2009/059643, Patent Publication number: WO2010/042478 A3, Priority: United States, World Intellectual Property Organization, 2010-04-15.
Hyun-Woo Kim, Sun-Kee Han, Hang-Sik Shin, “Organic waste treatment using novel sequencing batch thermophilic/mesophilic two-stage anaerobic digestion”, Application No. 2004-0021767, Patent No. 10-0592492, The Korean Intellectual Property Office, 2006-06-15.